Barton BMC029 Single Multiplier/Divider

Barton BMC029 Single Multiplier/Divider


Barton BMC029 Single Multiplier/Divider


The Barton BMC029 Single Multiplier/Divider is used to multiply or divide the frequency of a clock or VCO signal. It's maximum multiplication is 4x and it's maximum division /16. The multiplication or division level is set by a single knob, and can be modulated by external control voltage. CONTROLS 1.Manual Division Knob – This selects the amount of multiplication or division. Turning the knob clockwise increases the amount of division. 2.Aux Division Knob – This attenuates the external CV used to modulate the division knob's setting. INPUTS 1.Main Input – This is the input for the frequency to be divided/multiplied. 2.Reset Input – This is used to synchronize the divided frequency with another module. This should be a 0 to 5V trigger or gate signal. 3. CV Input – This is control voltage used to adjust the division. The more positive the voltage, the more division. OUTPUT 1.Main Output – This is a 0 to +5V square wave output of the divided/multiplied signal.


Assembled modules come with a one year warranty.

Full kits include everything  you need to build the module, including all parts individually bagged and labelled

Euro panel by clarke robinson, 6hp

Audio demo 1: barton single multiplier divider demo 1

Audio demo 2: barton single multiplier/divider demo 2



On Demand Info

These kits and assembled modules are offered on demand, click the link to learn more.


Kit Parameters
Build DifficultyEasy-Moderate
Parts Count48
Module Parameters
Panel Size6HP

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  • from $14.00 TO $129.00

Available Options

Full Kit- Euro
In stock / $79.00
Available : 10
panel- euro
In stock / $25.00
Available : 12
In stock / $14.00
Available : 10
In stock / $39.00
Available : 10
synthCube Assembled, New
In stock / $129.00
Available : 10

Tags: barton, module, eurorack, diy, kit, synth, clock modulator, frequency divider, multiple, 6hp, kits, musical, circuits