barton bmc058 Yes No Maybe, pcb+pic



bmc058 Yes No Maybe

This gate/trigger sequencer uses 3 position toggle switches to set beats to Yes, No or Maybe. Beats set to Yes produce output, No produces no output and a maybe will sometimes be a yes or no. How likely a Maybe is a yes is controlled by a knob and can be modified by external CV.

The module has PCB mounted toggles, pots and LEDs for minimal wiring. It can be used with 12V or 15V power systems.

For complete descriptions of the way the module is used, and how to build it, including schematics and parts list; download this PDF file.



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  • $5.00

Tags: barton, bmc058, yes, maybe, , pcb, michael, pcbbmc058ynmnone01 pcbs, musical, circuits