Barton BMC026 Rando Chordo

Barton BMC026 Rando Chordo


Barton BMC026 Rando Chordo


The Rando Chordo is a specialized quantizer that takes a single CV input and outputs 4 voice CV to create chords. The chords are generated randomly and it has controls over the range of the chord (how far from the root note another note in the chord can be), the musical mode used in quantization, forcing a 5th, allowing inversions, setting whether quantization happens per note or per chord and a sample input to control when the input CV gets sampled. There's a built in tune-mode to help tune your VCOs together

euro panel by clarke robinson, 10hp

full kits include everything you need, with all parts individually bagged and labelled 

demo: rando chordo demo



On Demand Info

These kits and assembled modules are offered on demand, click the link to learn more.


Kit Parameters
Build DifficultyModerate
Parts Count84
SMT parts0
Module Parameters
Panel Size10HP

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  • from $16.00 TO $210.00

Available Options

Full Kit- Euro
In stock / $129.00
Available : 31
panel- euro
In stock / $29.00
Available : 30
In stock / $16.00
Available : 29
In stock / $48.00
Available : 29
synthCube Assembled, New
In stock / $210.00
Available : 34

Tags: barton, module, eurorack, kit, diy, synth, quantizer, kits, musical, circuits