Barton Musical Circuits

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Barton BMC010 Dual Decaying Noise (MOTM)

 Barton BMC010 Dual Decaying Noise (MOTM) This is a 2U MOTM DIY kit to bu..


Barton BMC011 Wave Animator (c68 Panel)

 Barton BMC011 Wave Animator (c68 Panel) 3 lfos add spice to your basic waves!..

Priced from
$8.00 to $99.00

Barton BMC011 Wave Animator (Grayscale Panel)

 Barton BMC011 Wave Animator (Grayscale Panel) 3 lfos add some spice to your w..

Priced from
$8.00 to $99.00

Barton BMC011 Wave Animator (MOTM)

 Barton BMC011 Wave Animator (MOTM) triple lfoinsert a waveform to create ..

Priced from
$8.00 to $199.00

Barton BMC013 Random Resonator

 Barton BMC013 Random Resonator more information and documentation here:  ..

Priced from
$18.00 to $159.00

Barton BMC014 Gate Delay Looper

 Barton BMC014 Gate Delay Looper bundle includes the barton pcb+pic, clarke ro..

Priced from
$14.00 to $159.00

Barton BMC015 Quad VCA/Mix (MOTM)

 Barton BMC015 Quad VCA/Mix (MOTM) micahel barton's quad vca/mix pcb mated..

Priced from
$49.00 to $139.00

Barton BMC015 Quad VCA/Mixer (Euro)

 Barton BMC015 Quad VCA/Mixer (Euro) This module contains 4 VCA circuits norma..

Priced from
$8.00 to $149.00

Barton BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (Euro)

 Barton BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (Euro) v1.2 pcb- this is the pcb version th..

Priced from
$18.00 to $205.00

Barton BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (MOTM)

 Barton BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer (MOTM) motm panel design inspired by dave b..

Priced from
$18.00 to $359.00

Barton BMC017 2LFO

 Barton BMC017 2LFO The Barton BMC017 2LFO is an all analog synthesi..

Priced from
$8.00 to $169.00

Barton BMC018 Analog Drum

 Barton BMC018 Analog Drum Michael Barton’s amazing, simple and fun anal..

Priced from
$8.00 to $129.00

Barton BMC019 Delaying AR Generator

 Barton BMC019 Delaying AR Generator This is a microcontroller based module th..

Priced from
$16.00 to $145.00

Barton BMC020 1Song

 Barton BMC020 1Song Barton BMC020 1Song is a simple, microcontroller cen..

Priced from
$18.00 to $175.00

Barton BMC022 Auto-Seq

 Barton BMC022 Auto-Seq Eurorack aluminum panel by clarke robinson, 12hpAu..

Priced from
$20.00 to $195.00